


1. achieve - 达到,达到

Example: She worked hard to achieve her goal.(她努力工作以达到她的目标。)

2. admire - 钦佩,赞美

Example: I admire his courage.(我钦佩他的勇气。)

3. ancient - 古代的,古老的

Example: The Great Wall is an ancient building in China.(长城是中国的一座古老建筑。)

4. apologize - 道歉

Example: He apologized for being late.(他为迟到道歉。)

5. approach - 接近,靠近

Example: The train is approaching the station.(火车已经在接近车站。)

6. argue - 争论,辩论

Example: They argued about the best way to solve the problem.(他们就处理问题的最好方法进行了争论。)

7. attend - 出席,参与

Example: I will attend the meeting tomorrow.(我明天会出席会议。)

8. avoid - 不要,回避

Example: You should avoid eating too much junk food.(你应该不要吃太多垃圾食品。)

9. behavior - 行为,举止

Example: His behavior was very rude at the party.(他在聚会上的行为很粗鲁。)

10. brave - 勇敢的,英勇的

Example: The firefighters were very brave in the face of danger.(消防员面对危险很勇敢。)

11. brief - 简短的,简洁的

Example: Please give me a brief summary of the article.(请给我这篇文章的简短摘要。)

12. calm - 平静的,镇定的

Example: She remained calm during the crisis.(她在危机中保持冷静。)

13. celebrate - 庆祝,庆贺

Example: We will celebrate our anniversary next week.(我们下周将庆祝我们的周年纪念日。)

14. challenge - 挑战,质疑

Example: The new project will be a challenge for us.(新项目将是我们的一项挑战。)

15. clever - 聪明的,机智的

Example: He is a clever boy who always gets good grades.(他是一个聪明的男孩,总是获取好成绩。)

16. community - 社区,社会

Example: Our school is an important part of the local community.(我们学校是当地社区的重要组成部分。)

17. compete - 竞争,比赛

Example: The athletes will compete in the Olympic Games next year.(运动员们将在明年参与奥运会比赛。)



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