


I was born in Liuzhou, the hometown of screw powder 。

The specialty of Liuzhou is snail powder Liuzhou people do not love snail powder


I was born in Liuzhou, the hometown of screw powder 。

The specialty of Liuzhou is snail powder Liuzhou people do not love snail powder

Despite having the word snail in its Chinese name, actual snails dont commonly appear in the dish, but are used to flavor the broth.

Luosifen is one of the characteristic snacks in Liuzhou City. It has a unique flavor of spicy, cool, fresh, sour and hot. On Aug 20, 2023, Liuzhou Luosifen won the trademark of National Geographic Indication and was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in 2023.

1. Introduction:

螺蛳粉 (luó sī fěn) is a popular dish hailing from the city of Liuzhou in Guangxi province, southern China. It is a type of rice noodle made from finely ground rice flour, served in a spicy and tangy soup and typically topped with various meats and herbs.

2. Popular Dish:

螺蛳粉 is a well-known and beloved dish in Guangxi and has gained popularity in other regions of China and even abroad. It is often considered a staple food and is enjoyed by people of all ages.

3. Unique Flavor:

One of the reasons why 螺蛳粉 is so popular is because of its unique flavor. The soup is made using a combination of secret spices, including chili, garlic, ginger, and Sichuan peppercorns, giving it a spicy and numbing taste.

4. Preparation:

To prepare the dish, the rice noodles are first boiled and then served in the spicy soup. The toppings can vary, but typically include sliced pork, braised beef, or fried tofu, along with pickled bamboo shoots, peanuts, and scallions.

5. Health Benefits:

螺蛳粉 can also have some health benefits. The rice noodles are gluten-free and low in fat and calories, making it a great option for those with dietary restrictions. The soup’s spices may also help with digestion and provide some pain relief due to the numbing effects of the Sichuan peppercorns.

Overall, 螺蛳粉 is a delicious and unique dish that is loved by many in China and beyond. Its spicy and tangy flavor, along with its health benefits, makes it a great option for those looking for a flavorful and low-calorie meal.

用英语讲解螺丝粉:Snail powder叫螺蛳粉



There is no historical introduction about Luosifen in English.因为螺蛳粉是一种传统的中国小吃,在国外并没有太多的讲解。故此,在英语中并没有针对螺蛳粉的历史讲解。不过,在最近这些年中国餐饮渐渐走出国门,更多的外国人启动尝试螺蛳粉,未来可能会有更多的英语资料讲解螺蛳粉的历史和文化背景。


from Wiki Luosifen (Chinese: 螺蛳粉; Pinyin: luósīfěn; lit. Snail rice noodle) is a Chinese noodle dish and a speciality of the city of Liuzhou, in Guangxi, southern China. The dish consists of rice noodles boiled and served in a soup made from a stock made from river snails and pork bones which are stewed for hours with black cardamom, fennel seed, dried tangerine pee..


Not all great meals come from restaurants. Some are served from carts and stalls and eaten on the go. So-called street food is not only delicious, but can be found in nearly every country, rich or poor. "It's a way to get to know the people and the flavor of a place," says the Italian writer, who has nibbled her way around the globe. She shares some favorite snacks and snacking places.



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