


Unit 6

collect 收集

shell 贝壳

marathon (体育比赛中)马拉松比赛

pair 一对

skate 溜冰鞋

since 自从

Hilltop School 一学校名称, 可译为山顶学校

raise 筹集

several 哪些的

skater 溜冰者

stamp 邮票

kite 风筝

monster 怪物

globe 球状物

anyone 任何人

run out of 用完

store 储存

cake 蛋糕

particularly 特别

collector 搜集者

by the way 顺便一提

common 共同的

extra 额外的

coin 钱币

topic 话题

been 动词be的过去式

be interested in 对...感兴趣

writer 作家

dynasty 朝代

character (著名的)人物

capital 省会

European 欧洲的

Russian 俄罗斯的

Australian 澳大利亚的

Jewish 犹太人的

Jew 犹太人

thousand 一千

emperor 皇帝

foreigner 外国人

quite 相当

certain 确实的

the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会

far away 在远处

miss 思念

Alison 艾利森(女名或男名)

Celia 西莉亚(女名)

Liam 利亚姆(男名)

Ellen 埃伦(女名)

Leo 利奥(男名)


During the Olympic Games, the first goden medal caught people’s attention all the time, so many players who were put great hope to get the godel medal burdened so much pressure. When the players win the first place, all the media reported them and gave them the biggest applause, while for these players who did not win the medal, they just reported them with a few words and the audience forgot them quickly. In fact, for every player, they practised so hard to appear in this great stage, they enjoyed the match and made other competitor to become stronger, faster and higher. They are easy to be forgot because some people and media classify them as the losers. There is no loser in the match, the glory belongs to all, even though they don’t win the medal, they still heroes. 在奥运会这个时间段,第一块金牌总会导致了大家的注意,故此,不少被寄予厚望的运动员背负了不少的压力。当运动员赢得第一名时,全部的媒体都报道了,给予他们最大的掌声,而针对这些没有赢得奖牌的运动员,只是用几句话报道,观众也很快忘记他们。其实,每一个运动员,通过刻苦训练才出现在->这个伟大的舞台,他们享受比赛,使其他竞争对手变得更强,速度很快,更高。他们比较容易被忘记,因为一部分人和媒体把他们归为失败者。在比赛中没有失败者,光荣属于全部人,就算他们不赢得奖牌,他们还是英雄。



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