



1. B. have

2. A. are

3. B. are

4. A. on

5. C. the

6. A. is

7. D. too

8. B. are

9. A. are

10. C. dont


1. A. in

2. D. with

3. B. but

4. A. so

5. C. more

6. B. other

7. D. important

8. A. or

9. C. interesting

10. B. both


1. B. He likes playing basketball.

2. A. He likes playing football.

3. C. He likes playing tennis.

4. D. He likes playing badminton.

5. A. He likes playing volleyball.


Dear teachers,

Im writing to tell you about my favorite sports. I like playing basketball, football, tennis, badminton and volleyball. Basketball is my favorite sport. I like playing it because its very exciting and I can play with my friends. Football is also very interesting. I like playing it because its a team sport and I can learn how to cooperate with my teammates. Tennis is also a good sport. I like playing it because its a one-on-one sport and I can practice my skills. Badminton is also a lot of fun. I like it because its a fast-paced sport and I can have a good workout. Volleyball is also a great sport. I like it because its a team sport and I can learn how to work together with my teammates.

I hope you can encourage us to play more sports and have a healthy lifestyle.




I.1~5 BDBCB 6~10 BDCBD11~15 BDDCC 16~20 BACDDII.1.owner 2.importance 3.were 4.helpful 5.funny 6.worride 7.younger 8.youself9.friendship 10.chattingIII.1.Dong't laugh at the old people2.His parents are very strict with him3.Children have plenty of time to do their home work now4.l'm getting along/on well with my classmates5.Have you come up with a good idea?IV.1.to do 2.to get 3.was allowed to 4.didn't use 5.can sheV.1~5 DBGCFVI.1~5 CDDBC 6~10 DADCCVII.1~5 BDBDC 6~10 CCBAD



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