


初中英语老师在担负教学任务的同时,假设想评职称也需发表论文。假设你对初中英语教学论文发表方面的信息不知道,可以看看这篇文章,可能对你有一定的帮助。   发表教学论文第一你要有文可发,就是说写作出一篇论文是首先条件,既然如此那,写作中都拥有什么需要大家特别注意的地方和技巧呢?    1。端正写作态度  教学论文, 是自己工作的总结、提炼。就算是没有发表职称论文的问题,我们经过不短的一个时期工作后,最好也要静下心来,梳理一下自己这期间的工作所碰见的问题及感悟等等。 这样持续性的梳理总结,才会使工作持续性进步。    2。写作技巧  (1)选好写作的视角。想出新的东西,一定要要用新的的视角,凡是别人用惯的坚决不需要,采取多个视角,甚至逆向视角来看问题,再提炼自己的观点,进行写作,也许我们会有意外的收获。  (2)深度。现在的情况下,专业化程度越来越高,术业有专攻,文章的深度反映了你的专业素养。    除开这点我们对文章还有以下要求:    1。文章的逻辑性。不少作者在写作文章时,经常犯一部分逻辑上的错误,其详细表现为:  (1)文不对题,前文提出了论点,文中后面进行阐述时,却发现阐述的和论点不可以完全一样,讲的是两回事。;  (2)文章的论点没办法进行大量文字内容篇幅较大论述。作者前文提出了一个论点,下文进行了论述。然而这个论点却只是一个情况,作者并没有把这样的情况提炼成一种论点。  2。文章的客观性。 文章的整体口吻,作者在写作时候,应该做到尽量该时时以一个客观的口吻来阐述,一定不要频繁使用第一人称,完全可以用 “笔者”,“笔者觉得”。   3。 文章的层次。一部分作者在写作文章时,几千字的文章,从头至尾通篇看来,没有分任何的条目。这样给人的感觉是文章层次不够清晰,混乱。作者在写作文章时,一定分条目阐述,开篇简短阐述,文中后面1,2,3分条目阐述。 这样看上去一目了然。    文章写好后就要选择一个合适的期刊进行发表,在期刊选择途中我们还需要注意以下问题:    1。 因为地域及单位的不一样,职称评定的要求也不一样,写作论文前一定要弄了解本单位针对评职称的明文要求,选择期刊才可以匹配。   2。因为发表论文针对作者晋升职很重要,故此,在期刊的选择时一定要不要受骗,下面这些内容就是三种容易误投的期刊  (1)套刊。这是最难甄别的,明明有一本刊物,正常发行,且知网已经全文收录,但是又冒出一个一模一样的刊物,刊号刊物名完全一样,但是,不可以在数据库检索到,这样的就是套刊。  (2)假刊。这里说的假刊,就是在新闻出版总署没有备案,自己印刷的刊物,这样的刊物是不被承认的。  3。电子版期刊。去新闻出版总署查询备案情况,假设名字后面还有“电子版”字样,则要谨严处理。     想要文章顺利发表还不可以小看以下问题:    1。 明确职称评定时间。明确职称评定时间,早做准备,因为大多数情况下论文发表时间为3个月左右,长的则半年甚至一年,而职称评定时,有的要求一定要通过数据库检索到,论文发表出刊后,哪些数据库大多数情况下2个月后才可以收录进去,因为这个原因,还有考虑2个月的收录时间。 一定要早一点做好具体安排。  2。论文不可以抄袭。 教学论文要尽可能写自己的感悟或者总结,可以借鉴别人,但不可以照搬。抄袭别人的文章,一个方面是杂志审查核验通不过,另外一个方面,职称评定时,会带来很坏影响,甚至取消职称评定资格。     上面这些内容就是初中英语教学论文发表的具体内容,期望能助你顺利发表论文!。



Title: The Application of Communicative Approach in English Teaching

Abstract: Communicative approach is a widely used teaching method in English language teaching. This paper aims to explore the application of communicative approach in English teaching, focusing on the use of communicative strategies and techniques in classroom instruction. The paper first introduces the concept and principles of communicative approach, and then discusses the advantages and challenges of using communicative approach in English teaching. Finally, the paper provides some practical suggestions for English teachers to apply communicative approach in their teaching practice.

Keywords: communicative approach, English teaching, communicative strategies, classroom instruction


Communicative approach is a teaching method that emphasizes the use of language for communication and interaction. It is a student-centered approach that focuses on the learners’ needs and interests, and aims to develop their communicative competence in the target language. In recent years, communicative approach has become a popular teaching method in English language teaching, and has been widely used in classroom instruction. This paper aims to explore the application of communicative approach in English teaching, and provide some practical suggestions for English teachers to apply communicative approach in their teaching practice.

Concept and Principles of Communicative Approach

Communicative approach is based on the communicative competence theory proposed by Hymes (1972), which emphasizes the importance of using language for communication and interaction. According to communicative approach, language learning should focus on the learners’ ability to use language in real-life situations, rather than on their ability to memorize grammar rules and vocabulary. The principles of communicative approach include learner-centeredness, communicative competence, authenticity, and task-based learning.

Advantages and Challenges of Using Communicative Approach in English Teaching

The advantages of using communicative approach in English teaching include promoting learners’ communicative competence, enhancing learners’ motivation and interest in learning, and providing learners with opportunities to use language in real-life situations. However, there are also some challenges in using communicative approach in English teaching, such as the difficulty of designing communicative activities that are both meaningful and challenging, and the challenge of assessing learners’ communicative competence.

Application of Communicative Approach in English Teaching

To apply communicative approach in English teaching, English teachers can use a variety of communicative strategies and techniques in classroom instruction. These strategies and techniques include role-play, group discussion, debate, problem-solving, and project-based learning. English teachers should also provide learners with authentic materials and real-life situations to practice their language skills. In addition, English teachers should encourage learners to use language in a communicative way, and provide them with feedback and correction to improve their language proficiency.


Communicative approach is a student-centered teaching method that emphasizes the use of language for communication and interaction. It has become a popular teaching method in English language teaching, and has been widely used in classroom instruction. English teachers can apply communicative approach in their teaching practice by using a variety of communicative strategies and techniques, providing learners with authentic materials and real-life situations, and encouraging learners to use language in a communicative way.














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